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Take back your testimony

Apr 07, 2023

The enemy wants to take your story and twist it to bring shame and silence. But scripture says that God knew your story  from the very beginning, and he’s not apologizing for it. So why are you?

There is Kingdom power in our weaknesses and power in our scars that God wants to use to set bring freedom to those around us. It begins by taking back our story from the enemy and asking God to help us understand it from his point of view. 

We no longer covet other people’s testimonies or covet other people’s callings. Instead, we learn to stand in the middle of our specific identity in Christ and learn to bring the break through that our testimony can create.

Find out more how you can order Ordinary Discipleship: How God Wired our Brains for the Adventure of Transformation to discover how anyone can be a disciplemaker.

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